Ultimate Marvel Cinematic Universe Wikia
Madame mac

The woman known as Madame Macabre to the Daily Bugle press was a former member of the Ten Rings terrorist organization in the Cold War period, usually assigned to assassinate key targets in espionage missions to cause further tensions between the Nuclear superpowers. She met her end when Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, the original Ant-Man and Wasp, tracked her down on orders from SHIELD and stopped her before she could kill Chinese Head of State Zhun De with a stolen Pym Particle pistol. Before she committed suicide by Pym Particle, Macabre warned Pym that her master, Xu Wenwu the Mandarin, would avenge her death by coming after the Pyms when they least expected it.



  • Shrinking Device: Madame Macabre used a shrinking device.